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Accessibility Requirements Tool (ART)

The Accessibility Requirements Tool (ART) is a step-by-step guide to help you easily identify relevant accessibility requirements from the Revised 508 Standards, and incorporate them into your procurement and contracting documentation, as well as Information and Communication Technology (ICT). GSA’s IT Accessibility Program developed ART as part of its mission to provide technical assistance to federal agencies, to improve compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Use ART to buy and build technology that’s accessible to all.

Note: Do not use the browser's back and refresh buttons. You will lose your information using the browser buttons. Information in ART is only stored locally on your computer, and the US Government does not have access to the information you place into the tool. If you wish to keep your work, please save the data locally for future use by using the 'Save (.json)' button. You can reload a previously saved form using the 'Continue where you left off' button.
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Accessibility Requirements Tool (ART)

Introduction to the Accessibility Requirements Tool (ART)

This video series demonstrates how to use the Accessibility Requirements Tool (ART). ART helps you generate a list of Section 508 requirements applicable to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) you want to procure. The series explains when to use ART, how to create and edit your list of requirements, and how to use the list generated by ART.

Duration 9m 30s | 5-Part Video Series

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Reviewed/Updated: August 2024